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The 7 Kindest Myers-Briggs Personality Types

In the realm of personality psychology, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a widely recognized tool that categorizes individuals into 16 distinct personality types based on their preferences in four dimensions: Introversion/Extraversion, Sensing/Intuition, Thinking/Feeling, and Judging/Perceiving.

Each personality type has its unique strengths and tendencies, and while kindness is a trait that can be found in individuals of any personality type, certain Myers-Briggs types are more predisposed towards behaviors that are often perceived as kind and compassionate. In this blog, we’ll explore the seven Myers-Briggs personality types commonly associated with kindness and empathetic behaviors.

1. ISFJ: The Defender

ISFJs are known for their warmth, reliability, and thoughtfulness. As introverted individuals who focus on feelings and judgements, they are often deeply empathetic and caring. They are driven by a strong sense of duty and tend to put others’ needs before their own, making them incredibly supportive friends and partners.

ISFJs have a unique ability to remember details about others, which helps them in creating deep, meaningful connections.

2. ENFJ: The Protagonist

Charismatic and altruistic, ENFJs are often focused on uplifting others and nurturing their potential. They are natural leaders who are tuned into the needs of people around them and strive to help others realize their worth and capabilities. ENFJs are often involved in community and social work, driven by their desire to make the world a more inclusive and compassionate place.

3. INFP: The Mediator

INFPs are idealistic and compassionate, often guided by their deeply held values and principles. They are sensitive to others’ feelings and strive to create harmony and understanding in their environments. INFPs often show kindness through their creativity and imagination, using their talents in writing, art, or music to express empathy and promote compassion.

4. ESFJ: The Consul

ESFJs are sociable, caring, and attentive to the needs of others. They value harmony and cooperation and are often the ones to ensure that everyone in their group feels included and cared for. ESFJs have a knack for remembering special occasions and personal details, which they use to make others feel loved and valued.

5. INFJ: The Advocate

INFJs, though introverted, have a strong focus on the feelings and well-being of others. They are often seen as advocates for the voiceless and are driven to enact change that aligns with their values. INFJs show kindness through their insightful understanding of others and their drive to help people realize their potential.

6. ENFP: The Campaigner

ENFPs are enthusiastic, creative, and empathetic. They are excellent at reading people and are often deeply concerned with others’ happiness and well-being. ENFPs are spontaneous and optimistic, often spreading kindness through their cheerful demeanor and their ability to inspire and motivate those around them.

7. ISFP: The Adventurer

ISFPs are quiet, warm-hearted, and sensitive. They live in the moment and enjoy bringing happiness to others through practical acts of kindness. ISFPs often express their caring nature through artistic endeavors, using their creativity to spread joy and compassion.

Kindness in All Types

While these seven personality types may be more naturally inclined towards kindness, it’s important to remember that kindness is a trait that can be developed and nurtured in anyone, regardless of personality type. Our Myers-Briggs type influences how we may express kindness, but it doesn’t determine our capacity for kindness.

For instance, more analytical types like INTJs or ISTPs may show kindness by helping solve problems, and extroverted types like ESTJs or ENTJs may do so through leadership and protective actions. Ultimately, every personality type has unique gifts that can be used to spread kindness in their way.


The Myers-Briggs personality types provide a framework for understanding our behaviors and inclinations, including how we might express kindness and empathy. While the seven types discussed above are often associated with naturally empathetic and compassionate behavior, kindness is a universal trait that transcends personality types.

It’s the individual choices and actions that truly define our capacity for kindness, making it a trait that everyone can cultivate and express in their unique way.

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