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10 Outdated Things Boomers Always Keep in Their House and Use

As technology advances and societal preferences change, the items we keep in our homes tend to evolve as well. While younger generations have embraced digital technology and minimalist design, some members of the baby boomer generation (born between 1946 and 1964) tend to hold on to objects and practices that are considered outdated by today’s standards.

In this blog post, we will explore 10 outdated things that boomers often keep in their homes and continue to use.

  1. Landline Phones

One of the most iconic outdated items in many boomers’ homes is the landline phone. While younger generations have shifted to mobile phones as their primary means of communication, boomers often retain their trusty landlines, viewing them as reliable and familiar.

  1. Physical Address Books

Boomers are known for their meticulous record-keeping, and this extends to maintaining physical address books. Despite digital contact lists and smartphones, many boomers continue to rely on these handwritten books to keep track of phone numbers and addresses.

  1. VHS Tapes and Players

VHS tapes were the go-to format for home entertainment in the 1980s and 1990s. Boomers often have a collection of VHS tapes tucked away in their homes, along with the outdated VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) to play them.

While streaming services and DVDs have largely replaced this technology, some boomers still enjoy their VHS classics.

  1. Wall Calendars

In the digital age, wall calendars may seem obsolete, but many boomers continue to hang them up in their homes. These physical calendars provide a visual and tangible way to keep track of appointments, birthdays, and important dates.

  1. Rotary Phones

While landline phones are common in boomer households, some still use rotary phones, which harken back to a time when dialing a number required manually rotating a dial. These vintage phones serve as nostalgic relics for many boomers.

  1. Encyclopedias

Before the internet made information readily accessible, encyclopedias were prized references in many households. Boomers often hold on to their encyclopedias, even though today’s generation relies on search engines like Google for instant information.

  1. Vinyl Records and Turntables

Vinyl records, once considered outdated by the advent of CDs and digital music, have made a comeback among audiophiles. Many boomers cherish their vinyl collections and continue to use turntables to enjoy their favorite tunes in analog format.

  1. Fax Machines

In the age of email and digital document sharing, fax machines are a relic of the past. However, some boomers still keep them around for the occasional need to send or receive faxes, even as younger generations opt for more modern communication methods.

  1. Printed Photo Albums

While younger generations store their photos digitally, boomers often maintain extensive collections of printed photo albums. These albums offer a tangible way to reminisce about cherished memories and milestones.

  1. Cable TV

Cable television was once the standard for accessing a wide range of channels and programming. While streaming services have gained popularity, some boomers still subscribe to cable TV, finding comfort in the familiar channels and routines.


Boomers, as a generation, have experienced significant technological and societal changes over the years. While they may hold on to certain outdated items and practices, it’s essential to recognize that these choices are often rooted in nostalgia, familiarity, and a sense of continuity.

As each generation embraces new technologies and trends, it’s important to respect the preferences and traditions that make each era unique. In the end, these outdated items in boomer households serve as a reminder of the ever-evolving nature of technology and culture.

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