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10 Outdated Things Boomers Always Keep in Their House and Still Use

As the world continues to evolve with technological advancements and changing lifestyle trends, there’s a generation that often finds comfort in the familiar – the Baby Boomers. Born between 1946 and 1964, Baby Boomers have witnessed and adapted to numerous transformations in society. However, when it comes to their homes, some Boomers still hold on to items that might seem outdated to younger generations. In this article, we’ll explore 10 such things that Boomers commonly keep in their houses and continue to use.

Landline Phones:

One of the most iconic symbols of a bygone era, landline phones are still a staple in many Boomer households. While smartphones have become the primary means of communication for younger generations, Boomers often prefer the reliability and familiarity of a landline.


In the age of Google and Wikipedia, having a set of encyclopedias might seem archaic. Yet, Boomers who grew up with these comprehensive knowledge sources often still treasure them as reference materials, displaying them proudly on their bookshelves.

VHS Players and Tapes:

The VHS era may have ended, but Boomers who amassed a collection of VHS tapes during their prime continue to hold on to their VCRs. Nostalgia plays a significant role here, as these tapes hold cherished memories of family events, vacations, and favorite movies.

CD and DVD Collections:

While streaming services dominate the entertainment landscape, Boomers often maintain their extensive CD and DVD collections. The tactile experience of selecting a disc, placing it in a player, and enjoying the content is a ritual they find hard to let go of.

Paper Maps:

In the age of GPS and navigation apps, Boomers might still prefer the reliability of paper maps. Whether it’s a road trip or a simple journey to an unfamiliar place, the tangible nature of a map offers a sense of security and control.

Fax Machines:

Despite the prevalence of email and digital communication, some Boomers still hold on to their fax machines. In professional settings, especially, faxing documents remains a deeply ingrained practice for this generation.

Wall Calendars:

In the digital age where calendars are integrated into smartphones and computers, Boomers often rely on the classic wall calendar. These calendars not only serve a practical purpose but also act as decorative elements in kitchens and home offices.

Cassette Players:

The resurgence of vinyl records among younger generations contrasts with the fact that many Boomers still own and use cassette players. Whether it’s listening to old mixtapes or enjoying music recorded from the radio, the nostalgia associated with cassette tapes remains strong.

Tube Televisions:

Flat-screen TVs have become the norm, but you might still find a tube television in a Boomer’s house. These bulky devices, reminiscent of family TV nights from the past, hold sentimental value for Boomers who grew up with limited channel options.

Printed Photo Albums:

While millennials and Gen Z prefer digital photo albums stored on their devices, Boomers often cherish printed photo albums filled with snapshots of family gatherings and milestones. Flipping through physical photographs offers a tactile connection to memories that digital files might lack.


In a rapidly changing world, Boomers often find solace in the things that have been constants throughout their lives. While younger generations may perceive these items as outdated, they hold a deep sentimental value for Boomers. The coexistence of traditional and modern elements in their homes reflects the rich tapestry of their experiences, reminding us that the passage of time is marked not only by technological progress but also by the tangible artifacts that carry the weight of personal history.

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