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10 Body Language Gestures That Make People Instantly Dislike You

Body language plays a crucial role in how we communicate and perceive others. It can be a powerful tool in creating a positive impression, but certain gestures can inadvertently do the opposite. In the realm of non-verbal communication, some gestures can make people instantly dislike you, or at least give off a negative impression.

Understanding these gestures is key to maintaining positive personal and professional relationships. Let’s delve into 10 body language gestures that are generally viewed negatively and should be avoided to maintain a favorable impression.

1. Crossed Arms

Why It’s Negative: Crossing your arms can make you appear defensive or closed off. It creates a physical barrier between you and others, suggesting discomfort or a lack of openness and receptivity.

How to Improve: Keep your arms relaxed at your sides or use them to gesture naturally as you speak, which conveys openness and engagement.

2. Avoiding Eye Contact

Why It’s Negative: Failure to maintain eye contact can be perceived as a lack of interest, dishonesty, or insecurity. It may seem like you’re hiding something or are disengaged from the conversation.

How to Improve: Maintain a comfortable level of eye contact (about 60-70% of the time) during conversations to show confidence and interest.

3. Invading Personal Space

Why It’s Negative: Standing too close to someone can be seen as intrusive and disrespectful. It makes people uncomfortable and can be perceived as aggressive or overly familiar.

How to Improve: Respect personal space boundaries, which typically means keeping about an arm’s length distance in most social and professional settings.

4. Fidgeting

Why It’s Negative: Constant fidgeting, like tapping your foot, playing with your hair, or shifting weight, can signal nervousness, impatience, or boredom, making you seem less confident and composed.

How to Improve: Try to be aware of your fidgeting habits and work on reducing them by practicing stillness, especially in important meetings or conversations.

5. Scowling or Frowning

Why It’s Negative: A scowling or frowning expression can make you seem unfriendly, angry, or unapproachable. People are naturally drawn to individuals with a pleasant demeanor.

How to Improve: Be mindful of your facial expressions. Aim to maintain a neutral or slightly positive expression, especially when meeting new people.

6. Overly Aggressive Handshakes

Why It’s Negative: An overly firm handshake can be interpreted as aggressive or domineering. It might make the other person feel uncomfortable or even in pain.

How to Improve: Offer a firm but gentle handshake. It should be confident but not crushing, respecting the other person’s comfort.

7. Checking Your Watch or Phone

Why It’s Negative: Glancing at your watch or phone during conversations suggests boredom or impatience, indicating that you’re not fully engaged or interested in the interaction.

How to Improve: Keep your phone out of sight during conversations and avoid looking at your watch. Give your full attention to the person you are interacting with.

8. Rolling Your Eyes

Why It’s Negative: Eye-rolling is often seen as disrespectful and dismissive. It conveys a strong negative reaction and lack of respect for the other person’s opinions or comments.

How to Improve: Keep your disagreements verbal and respectful. If you find something disagreeable, articulate your thoughts calmly instead of resorting to negative gestures.

9. Sighing Loudly

Why It’s Negative: Audible sighing can come across as exasperation or annoyance. It may seem like you’re bored or frustrated with the conversation or situation.

How to Improve: Be conscious of your breathing and avoid dramatic sighs. If you’re feeling frustrated, try to address the issue verbally in a constructive manner.

10. Hand Over Mouth

Why It’s Negative: Speaking with your hand over your mouth can make you appear untrustworthy, as it’s often perceived as an attempt to hide something or as a lack of confidence in what you’re saying.

How to Improve: Keep your hands away from your face when speaking. This ensures clear communication and conveys sincerity and openness.


Being mindful of your body language is key to creating a positive impression. While everyone may occasionally slip into these gestures, being aware of their negative connotations can help you avoid them in critical moments.

Remember, effective communication is a blend of what you say and how you say it, with body language playing a significant role in the latter. By avoiding these ten negative gestures, you can foster better relationships, both personally and professionally, and ensure that your non-verbal cues align with your intentions and words.

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